John was born sometime in the second decade of the 20th century. He lived his life, married, and after some fifty years, became a widower. Raven met him, and sort of adopted him as a 'grandfather' she never had. Things were progressing, John getting older, until he met Marie Greyson, of the Wild Hunt. Marie isn't a mutant or anything, just a very old friend of Ghost Archer he'd met during World War II. She was about sixteen at the time. She has worked for him for many years as the Wild Hunt's chef. When John met her, it was like love at first sight all over again. Archer was all for it. Raven was all for it ... but both were cruising rapidly into the twilight of their lives. Archer gave them an offer ... to have their youth back to give them both time together. Marie was not surtprised as he had offered before, but then she had been content to live out the rest of her life with Raven, Archer and the children Now, she had someone else in her life and it was something that she was all for. John took some convincing, I mean the idea of suddenly being twenty again was just plain strange but he'd already been blessed by Archer's touch that had rid him of cancer, so maybe ... And there was Marie ...
John is a crotchety old man, even at his new age of 20. He is very old-fashion in his views and looks on the 'girls' of the Seattle Hunt as his daughters and woe be to any that 'mess' with them. On seperate occasions he has pulled a shotgun on Ghost Archer, Icehawk, Sean Thornton and Probe, demanding their intensions with the respective 'girls'. In Ghost Archer's case, he demanded the bowman marry Raven and threatened bodily harm.