In 1982 I discovered a new game called
Champions ®. Published then by Hero Games ®, it proved to be an
excellent game that has endured. My first character, Ghost
Archer, has provided 42 years of enjoyable gaming. Since the
advent of the 'Net I have watched faithfully for sights
concerning Champions. I have been disappointed in some and
truly appreciative of others. I have decided to add my two
cents. The Wild Hunt began with a few players at a hobby shop
called the White Heron in Norfolk, Virginia. During the
years we played there, many characters came and went. Some were
just 'walk-ons', others endured. This will be an on-going
project and suggestions will be appreciated. If, by chance, any
of my former players happen upon this site, please contact me
and let me know how you are doing. This page is dedicated to all
past, present and future members of the Wild Hunt.