Rachel's Falcon
Character Name: Rachel's Falcon
Alternate Identities:
Player Name: Rachel
Val Char Base Points Total Roll Notes
30 STR 10 20 30 15- HTH Damage 6d6 END [3]
25 DEX 10 45 25 14- OCV 8 DCV 8
30 CON 10 40 30 15-
16 BODY 10 12 16 12-
8 INT 10 -2 8 11- PER Roll 11-/17-
10 EGO 10 0 10 11- ECV: 3
25 PRE 10 15 25 14- PRE Attack: 5d6
16 COM 10 3 16 12-
11 PD 6 5 11/20 11/20 PD (0/9 rPD)
11 ED 6 5 11/20 11/20 ED (0/9 rED)
4 SPD 3.5 5 4 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
12 REC 12 0 12
60 END 60 0 60
46 STUN 46 0 46
6" Running 6 0 6"
0" Swimming 2 -2 0"
6" Leaping 6 0 6" 146 Total Characteristics Points
Off Rating: Def Rating: Move Rating:
Total earned: 0
Spent: 0
Unspent: 0
Base Points: 250
Disad Points: 100
Total Points: 350
Type Total
Run 6"
Swim 0"
H. Leap 6"
V. Leap 3"
Flight 35"
Type Amount
Physical Defense 11/20
Res. Phys. Defense 0/9
Energy Defense 11/20
Res. Energy Defense 0/9
Mental Defense 0
Res. Mental Defense  
Power Defense 0
Flash Defense
OCV: 8 DCV: 8
Combat Skill Levels: +2 with HTH Combat
Maneuver Phase OCV DCV Effect
Flying Dodge 1/2 -- +4 Dodge All Attacks, Abort; FMove
Flying Grab 1/2 -2 -1 Grab Two Limbs, 45 STR for holding on; FMove
Swoop (Passing Strike) 1/2 +1 +0 Weapon +1 DC +v/5; FMove
Range 0-4 5-8 9-16 17-32 33-64 65-128
RMOD 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10
Cost  Disadvantage
20 Distinctive Features: Huge falcon (Not Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)
5 Hunted: Cryptid Hunters 8- (Less Pow; Capture or Photograph)
15 Physical Limitation: Animal Intelligence (Frequently; Greatly Impairing)
5 Physical Limitation: Large (-2 DCV. +2 PER Roll to perceive) (Infrequently; Slightly Impairing)
15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipulation (Frequently; Greatly Impairing)
10 Psychological Limitation: Believe Light Aircraft to be Challenges to his domain (Common; Moderate)
Notes: One of the reasons Ra'ch'el does not bring him out often.
25 Psychological Limitation: Loyal to Rachel (Very Common; Total)
5 Social Limitation: Believed to be a Cryptid (Occasionally; Minor)
100 Total Disadvantages Cost

Character Name: Rachel's Falcon
Alternate Identities:
Player Name: Rachel
Cost  Name
2 Stealth 14-; Only while in flight (-1/2)
10 +2 with HTH Combat
12 Total Skills Cost
Cost  Name
18 Combat Luck (9 PD/9 ED)
18 Total Talents Cost
Cost  Power END
63 Falcon's Wings: Flight 35", x4 Noncombat, Usable as Gliding (+1/4); Restrainable (-1/2)9
35 Falcon's Beak: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 2d6+1 (4d6+1 w/STR)3
24 Falcon's Talons: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 2d6 (4d6 w/STR); Reduced Penetration (-1/4)
Notes: With Reduced Penetration this is two 2d6 HKA attacks at once.
15 Venomancer's Contract: Mind Link , with Ra'ch'el, Any distance, Psychic Bond0
6 Falcon's Eyes: +6 PER with Normal Sight0
6 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -3"0
6 Falcon's Eyes: +12 versus Range Modifier for Normal Sight0
155 Total Powers Cost
Cost  Maneuver
Red in Beak and Talon
1) Flying Dodge: 1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +4 DCV, Dodge All Attacks, Abort; FMove
2) Flying Grab: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, -1 DCV, Grab Two Limbs, 45 STR for holding on; FMove
3) Swoop (Passing Strike): 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, Weapon +1 DC +v/5; FMove
Notes: Using his talons and at full speed this is 6d6 HKA but with reduced penetration it is two 3d6 HKA attacks at once.
4) Weapon Element: Talons
5) +1 HTH Damage Class(es)
19 Total Martial Arts Cost

Character Name: Rachel's Falcon
Alternate Identities:
Player Name: Rachel
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 15' 2"
Weight: 220 lbs
Rachel's falcon is just that, a falcon, only bigger. He is fifteen feet tall standing and has a wingspan of 45 feet. For his size he is very light as with all birds but his strength is such that he can carry Rachel on his back with little effort.
As with all Beast folk, Rachel is a protector of all creatures not wraiths and when she happened upon the corpse of a dead great falcon, her instincts led her to a nest with a single egg. For many days she tended that egg, even sitting on it ... okay, laying curled around it ... to keep it warm. At last she was rewarded with the hatching of a healthy and very hungry great falcon. After the understandable confusion in the bird's mind that you did not EAT momma, Rachel was able to provide the hatchling with his first meal, a nice tender young wraith freshly killed by Rocky. From there it was a matter of a little training and Rachel was airborne.
Rachel's falcon is a raptor, therefore a hunting creature. He is fiercely loyal to Rachel, who he still sees as momma. He has even learned not to try to eat his little siblings Meatball and Vanilla. Rocky he treats pretty much like any other bird would a statue or rock which irrates Rocky to no end.
Rachel's falcon has all the typical powers and skills of a normal sized falcon except that he hits a lot harder in a swoop
Ra'ch'el's pets are not there just to defend her, she is perfectly capable of doing that herself. They are her partners, her friends, her family. They work in cooperation with her using they powers to augment hers. Each has a roll. Falcon is her transportation though not nearly as much as on Pangu. She takes him out in the mountains or desert, where Nat assures her that there are few people.
Created: Mon, 19 Mar 2018 21:46:28

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